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Child & Baby Immunization Schedule, Information on Types of Vaccines, History, Safety, Risks, Charts, Definition, Homeopathy

Page Contents

Introduction - Vaccination: How it Works - Vaccination: Summary of the Risks - Vaccines Given in Australia - Diphtheria - Tetanus - Pertussis / Whooping Cough - Polio - Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) - Pneumococcal Disease - Rotaviruses - Vaccine Content - Preservatives - Adjuvants - Additives - Attenuation


Vaccination is one of the most important subjects that a parent has to deal with. I have two older children (in their 20s) who are both vaccinated, and two younger children (8, 10) who are not vaccinated (they are all healthy!). Why the change? Well I am an ex science teacher (and now a natural philosopher) and to begin I thought vaccines were very clever, stimulating the immune system with weakened diseases that protected us from the real disease. However, with the internet, and now after reading many hundreds of articles, I have come to the conclusion that the immune system is very complex, and we are playing around with it in ways that we do not fully understand the consequences of, that seem to be causing serious harm to many people. Further, the statistics show that for healthy children, these common childhood diseases are not serious, and actually help the child to develop a healthy immune system.

The more I learned, the more I came to see the pharmaceutical / medical industry was using propaganda rather than facts to encourage children to be immunised, they were supressing damaging information, and making a large profit from it all. Let me give you some examples.

i) Herd immunity - we are told we are being selfish by not vaccinating our children, increasing the risk to others. This is not true. Roughly 50% of the adult population (in Western countries) has no immunity, and given that you need around 90% immunity in the population to get herd immunity, this is impossible even if 100% of the children were vaccinated. This is further complicated by the fact that vaccinated children can carry and spread the disease, though have few symptoms themselves.

ii) It is claimed that vaccines led to a huge reduction in disease, and the medical system parades these graphs from the past 10 to 30 years showing this. However, when you look at the statistics from the past 120 years, you find that there was a 90% reduction in these diseases from 1900 to 1950, BEFORE vaccines were invented - due to better sanitation, better housing, and better nutrition. In fact it seems like the true reduction in disease from vaccines is only about 5%.

iii) We are told of the horror of these diseases, yet the truth is that for roughly 99% of the population, these diseases are mild, like catching the flu. i.e. If your child is healthy these diseases do not cause harm, they actually help improve the immune system. And for the 1% who do get sick, well we have medical treatments now that will protect them (for example, mega does vitamin C treats Polio, see work by Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling - a brilliant Chemist).

iv) We are told that vaccines are safe, yet it is impossible to make this claim since they have never been tested in controlled studies. If the general population was very healthy, then perhaps you could argue that they have been tested because we have injected billions of children with vaccines. However, the converse is true, we have huge increases in neurological and autoimmune diseases like autism, ADHD, asthma, eczema, allergies, etc. And we now have credible biological mechanisms for how vaccines can cause this harm.
A study came out last year (2017) that compared vaccinated to unvaccinated children who were home schooled - which clearly showed that vaccinated children were less healthy. However, the study had serious limitations (small sample, self reported by parents). None the less, it did show striking differences in health that should cause concern and lead to proper studies. Strangely, I have also read that it is unethical to do a controlled study of vaccines, because it would be immoral to deprive a group of children protection from harm by not vaccinating them! The insanity of it is stunning, they are assuming vaccines are safe, without having studied them, to argue that it is unethical to study them!

I urge you to read these following articles, I find them sincere, intelligent, well researched, and very disturbing (conversely, when I read the government / medical websites advocating vaccines, they read as childishly simplistic pieces of propaganda of how safe and wonderful vaccines are!)
"We had accepted some half truths and had stopped searching for the whole truths. The principal half truths were that medical research had stamped out the great killers of the past —tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia, puerperal sepsis, etc. — and that medical research and our superior system of medical care were major factors extending life expectancy, thus providing the American people with the highest level of health available in the world. That these are half truths is known but is perhaps not as well known as it should be." (Dr. Edward H. Kass, 1970)
"In 2010, two Merck virologists filed a federal lawsuit under the False Claims Act against their former employer, alleging the vaccine maker lied about the effectiveness of their mumps vaccine (which is part of the trivalent measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine). The whistleblowers, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, claimed they witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine's efficacy findings."
"There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act contained no legal sanctions for not reporting [via VAERS]; doctors can refuse to report and suffer no consequences."
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." (Marica Angell) Physician, author, first woman to serve as editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine – regarded as one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world.
"The British epidemiologist Thomas McKeown had shown that 'treatment by streptomycin reduced the number of deaths since it was introduced (1948-71) by 51 per cent. However, he also showed that the mortality from TB in England and Wales had already declined by 90 to 95% before streptomycin and BCG-vaccination were widely available, and that the contribution of antibiotics to the decline of mortality from TB was actually very small: '...for the total period since cause of death was first recorded (1848–71) the reduction was 3.2 per cent'. These figures have since been confirmed for all western countries (see for example the decline in TB mortality in the USA and for all then known infectious diseases. McKeown explained the decline in mortality from infectious diseases by an improved standard of living, particularly by better nutrition, and by better hygiene, and less by medical intervention."
"The decline of mortality in the second half of the nineteenth century was due wholly to a reduction of deaths from infectious diseases; there was no evidence of a decline in other causes of death. Examination of the diseases which contributed to the decline suggested that the main influences were: (a) rising standards of living, of which the most significant feature was a better diet; (b) improvements in hygiene; and (c) a favorable trend in the relationship between some micro-organisms and the human host. Therapy made no contributions, and the effect of immunization was restricted to smallpox which accountedfor only about one-twentieth of the reduction of the death rate." (McKeown et al., 1975)
"Dr. Hooker, a PhD scientist, worked with two members of Congress to craft the letter to the CDC that recently resulted in his obtaining long-awaited data from the CDC, the significance of which is historic. According to Hooker, the data on over 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997, which was analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD, proves unequivocally that in 2000, CDC officials were informed internally of the very high risk of autism, non-organic sleep disorder and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure."
"Vaccines cause chronic immune system dysregulation. While vaccinations supposedly prevent childhood infectious disease, they do a far better job of causing many health issues increasingly prevalent in our society like autoimmune disease, asthma, allergies and cancer."

Vaccination: How it Works

* When a person contracts an infectious disease, the body produces antibodies and other sensitised white blood cells to combat the infection.

* After the infection subsides, the person is left with a pool of 'memory' cells, and this 'immunologic memory' helps the person resist the infection, should contact with the disease occur again.

* An 'immunologic memory' can be artificially generated by administering attenuated (partly or totally killed or inactivated) doses of the disease. These doses will be mild enough to avoid infection, but strong enough to stimulate production of antibodies and memory cells.

* Antibody production is increased by artificially slowing down the release of attenuated toxins by using chemical adjuvants (such as Aluminium Phosphate).

* Thus, vaccination can provide protection against infectious disease without the disadvantage of suffering its distressing symptoms and possible residual side effects.

In addition to these simple arguments, which are understandably appealing to many people, supporters of routine vaccination can point to undisputed successes with a few programs whereby introduction of the program resulted in an immediate reduction in the incidence of the disease. Interestingly, the number of successful programs is nowhere near as high as supporters claim (as shown in section 1.2) which reports actual disease trends before and after mass vaccination programs were introduced.

* Note - Section 1.2 is a series of graph diagrams which show that deaths from these infectious diseases were going down before mass vaccination programs began. The figures also support suggestions by Professor Gordon Stewart, amongst others that the incidence (notification) of these diseases were grossly over reported by doctors.

.. Certainly it cannot be claimed that vaccination has been responsible for the elimination of infectious diseases, the credit for which must be largely attributed to improved sanitation and waste disposal, personal hygiene, nursing care and the reduction of severe nutritional deficiencies.

The all important question is .. what are the long term side effects of routine vaccination?

What is needed is a twenty year study of two groups of children from infancy, one group to receive routine vaccination, the other to remain unvaccinated. Their general health and disease history should be compared at the end of the period.

It should be noted that the scientific standard for testing substances is the double blind, placebo controlled trial. There have been very few substantial tests made of vaccines.

Vaccination: Summary of the Risks

The first major work by an orthodox practitioner detailing the risks of routine vaccination was written in 1966 by Sir Graham Wilson. At the time, Sir Grahman was Honorary Lecturer in the Department of Bacteriology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He was a former Director of the Public Health Laboratory Service, England and Wales.

"I want to make it abundantly clear that I am not an anti-vaccinationist .. Vaccines of one sort or another, have conferred immense benefit om mankind .. but they have their dangers."

His work principally examines short to medium term observable risks of vaccination, and although written over 40 years ago, his findings are still relevant as many of the vaccines are still in use.

Wilson's Summary of Direct Adverse Reactions to Vaccination

Type of Reaction Vaccine Involved
Severe Systemic (involving entire system) Measles
Specific Homologous disease, e.g. Polio Polio
Specific Heterolgous (different in origin) disease, e.g. Tetanus Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
Intoxication e.g. with Tetanus Toxin Diptheria, Tetanus
Provocation Disease e.g. Polio Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio
Supparation Diptheria toxoid
Neuritis (nerve inflammation) Tetanus antiserum
Encephalomyeletis (inflammation of brain, spinal cord) Pertussis, Tetanus
Anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) Egg vaccine, Tetanus
Damage to foetus Vaccinia

"Every vaccine carries certain hazards and can produce untoward reactions in some people .. in general there are more vaccine complications than is generally believed." (Professor George Dick, Prof. of Pathology at London University)

Dr H L Coulter and B L Fisher researched and documented the risks of the Triple ANtigen Vaccine DPT.

Coulter & Fisher's Short Term Side Effects of DPT Vaccine

Type of Reaction
Skin Reactions
Vomiting and diarrhoea
Cough, runny nose, ear infection
High pitched screaming, persistent crying
Collapse or shock like episodes
Excessive sleepiness
Seizure disorders - convulsions, epilepsy
Infantile spasms
Loss of muscle control
Inflammation of the brain
Blood disorders Thrombocytepenia
Heamolytic Anaemia
Diabetes and Hypoglycaemia
Death and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

A Summary of Some of the Long Term Side Effects of Vaccination

Some of the side effects in this table are clinically demonstratable, others are speculative.

Type of Reaction
Severe neurological damage
Brain Damage
Allergy and Hypersensitivity
General and subtle damage to the Immune System
Slow viruses
Genetic abnormalities
Viral transference
Trigger mechanism for immune system diseases
Dynamic (miasmic) damage

Why Vaccines Cause Damage

Sir Graham Wilson listed six major causes for the adverse reactions he had identified. These causes are summarised in the table below.

Summary of Direct Causes of Vaccine Damage

Type of Direct Cause
Normal Toxicity
Faulty Production
Faulty Administration
Other causes - abnormal sensitivity
Indirect effects - damage to foetus, provocation disease

While Sir Graham focused on problems relating to the vaccine itself and problems with the recipients there is another class of reasons why the procedure of vacc. leads to both acute and significant chronic problems.

Summary of Procedural Causes of Vaccine Damage

Type of Procedural Cause
Administration - The procedure of injection bypasses the normal pathways of infection which our immune system is designed to protect.
Adjuvants - The use of chemicals such as Aluminium Phosphate both pervert the natural immune response and insert neuro-toxins directly into the system.
Preservation - Chemical preservatives are used to stabilise vaccines. One of the most common is Thimersol, which is a mercury based compound. Mercury is also neuro-toxic.
Attenuation - The procedure of altering the antigen with chemicals, heat etc. leads to an unnatural response and possible toxicity.
Preparation - The procedure of preparing some vaccines in animal tissue leads to possible genetic abnormalities and disease transference.
Quantity - The quantities of the modified antigen injected are massive in relation to the quantities involved in a natural infection.


Vaccines Given in Australia

In Western Australia, 3 vaccines are given to children at 2, 4 and 6 months which offer protection against 8 diseases. Hepatitis B is also offered at birth. The three vaccines are Infanrix hexa, Prevenar and Rotarix.

Infanrix hexa

Protects against 6 diseases: Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis B, inactivated poliomyelitis (polio), Haemophilus influenzae b (hib).

Vaccine contains:
Aluminium hydroxide/phosphate

Date administered in Australia:
2004 Sep (combination vaccines with 4, 5 and 6 antigens became available).


The active ingredients of INFANRIX hexa are noninfectious substances from tetanus, diphtheria bacteria, purified proteins of pertussis bacteria, the surface protein of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg, derived from genetically engineered yeast cells) and inactivated poliovirus. .. The manufacture of this product includes exposure to bovine derived materials.


Interval between doses: Recommended 6 weeks, minimum of 4 weeks.

Efficiency following 3 doses in infancy:

* DTap and IPV components - 85-98% efficacy up to 4 years of age against Pertussis.
* Hepatitis B component - 98.5-100% infants develop protective antibody titres.
* hib component - 96-100% develop (Hib) anti PRP titres = 0.15mcg/ml.
* One month after receipt of the three dose primary vaccination series with aP-IPV the overall seropositivity for polio virus serotypes 1 2, 3 was 99.5%.

The hib component is a lyophilised pellet of 10 µg purified Hib capsular polysaccharide (PRP) conjugated to 20–40 µg tetanus toxoid.


Protects against Pneumococcal disease. Made available in Australia in 2005 Jan.

There are more than 90 known subtypes of pneumococcus bacteria, with 23 subtypes included in the current pneumococcal polysaccharide (adult) vaccine and 7 subtypes included in the current child conjugate vaccine (chemically linked with proteins to facilitate the immune response).

Vaccine for Children: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 7-valent (7vPCV)

Prevenar – Wyeth (7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; 7vPCV). Each 0.5 mL monodose pre-filled syringe contains 2 µg of pneumococcal serotypes 4, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, 23F and 4 µg of serotype 6B, conjugated to a mutant non-toxic diphtheria toxin (CRM197) carrier protein, adsorbed onto 0.5 mg aluminium phosphate.

Rotarix / RotaTeq

Two oral rotavirus vaccines are available in Australia, and data on their immunogenicity, safety and efficacy has been systematically reviewed. Both vaccines are live attenuated vaccines administered orally to infants, but the component vaccine viruses differ.

Rotarix (GlaxoSmithKline) is a live attenuated vaccine containing 1 strain of attenuated human rotavirus (G1P1[8] strain). The human live attenuated strain protects against non G1 serotypes on the basis of their common P[8] antigen and other epitopes involved in heterotypic immunity.

RotaTeq (CSL Biotherapies/Merck & Co Inc) is a pentavalent vaccine containing 5 human-bovine rotavirus reassortants with the human serotypes G1, G2, G3, G4, and P1[8] and the bovine serotypes G6 and P7.



Diphtheria mainly affects the airways and sometimes the skin. Generally the airways become inflamed (swollen) causing severe breathing difficulties and sometimes suffocation. The bacteria also release a toxin, which can cause nerve damage, heart problems, and death.

Incidence & Mortality of Diphtheria

Diphtheria has become rare in Australia. There has not been a reported case or death due to this disease since 1992, in stark contrast to the first half of the 20th Century. At the height of the 1921 epidemic, there were 23,199 notifications and between 1926 and
1935 there were 4,043 deaths from diphtheria.

This is similar to many industrialised nations with long standing vaccination programs, in that:

The incidence of diphtheria has declined – now being rare in many European countries, the United Kingdom and the United States. Recent outbreaks have been concentrated in poorly immunised disadvantaged groups living in crowded conditions, with high notification rates amongst indigenous peoples.$FILE/cdi2406f.pdf


Tetanus, sometimes called lock-jaw, is an acute disease caused by a neurotoxic exotoxin of the bacteria, Clostridium tetani.

Of the few cases of tetanus reported in Australia each year, approximately 80 per cent are in persons over the age of 50. In Australia death occurs in about 10 per cent of cases.


Worldwide, tetanus is predominantly a disease of underdeveloped countries located in warm, damp climates.

In 1992, an estimated 578,000 infant deaths occurred due to neonatal tetanus. In 1998, 215,000 deaths occurred with more than 50% of these on the Africa continent. Overall, the annual incidence of tetanus is 0.5 - 1 million cases and the mortality rate is approximately 45%.

Reported incidence of tetanus in the United States has declined substantially since the mid 1940s. 130 cases of tetanus was reported in the United States from 1998 - 2000. Developed nations have similar incidences of tetanus. 126 cases of tetanus were reported in England and Wales in 1984 - 1992.

The case-fatality ratio in the United States was 18% from 1998-2000 and 11% from 1995-1997; a case-fatality ratio of 91% was reported in 1947. The mortality rate is highest for people older than 60 years (40%) compared with those aged 20-59 years (8%). From 1998-2000, 75% of the deaths in the United States were in patients older than 60 years.

Pertussis / Whooping Cough

Pertussis (whooping cough) is a serious, sometimes fatal, respiratory infection caused by the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis. World wide pertussis is responsible for about 250,000 deaths in children annually.

In most cases the disease usually begins with cold-like symptoms, which progresses to a paroxysmal cough with a indicatory whoop. Babies under 12 months of age often require admission to hospital. Complications include convulsions, pneumonia, coma, inflammation of the brain and permanent brain damage.

Around one in every 200 children under six months of age who contracts pertussis will die. The most common cause of death is from pertussis pneumonia.

3 doses of whooping cough vaccine protects about 85% of children who have been immunised, and will reduce the severity of the disease of the other 15%.

(Understanding Childhood Immunisation, Australian Government 2005)

Incidence of Whooping Cough in Australia (Reported Cases)

1991 - 337

1992 - 739

1993 - 3990

1994 - 5651

1995 - 4297

1996 - 4031

1997 - 10086 (9 deaths)

1998 - 2472

2003 - 2006 - 1,057 (0 deaths)


Polio may cause mild symptoms or very severe illness. It is a gastrointestinal virus which causes fever, vomiting and muscle stiffness, can affect the nerves and cause permanent crippling. Polio can paralyse the breathing and swallowing muscles, leading to death. About 5 % of people hospitalised with polio die and half of those who survive suffer permanent paralysis.

(Understanding Childhood Immunisation, Australian Government 2005)

Polio in Australia

There have been no cases of polio in Australia for more than 25 years.

In Australia there were major polio epidemics in the late 1930s, early 1940s and 1950s. The last epidemic was in 1956.

Polio vaccines were introduced in Australia in 1956 (Salk) and 1966 (Sabin) and were followed by mass immunisation programs.

It is estimated that a minimum of 20,000 - 40,000 people had paralytic polio in Australia between 1930s and 1960s. Actual figures for the number of people infected with the virus are up to a hundred times greater: 2 - 4 million Australians.

Polio Vaccines

The two vaccines have eradicated polio from most countries in the world and reduced the worldwide incidence from an estimated 350,000 cases in 1988 to just over 1300 cases in 2007.

Since 2005, OPV (oral attenuated polio virus - live) was replaced by IPV (inactivated - contains small amounts of killed polio virus) in Australia.

IPV contains three strains of polio virus (the Mahoney, MEFI and Saukett strains) inactivated by formaldehyde. The viruses are highly purified and grown in cultures of Vero cell line (a type of monkey kidney tissue culture).

Contamination Concerns

In 1960, it was determined that the rhesus monkey kidney cells used to prepare the poliovirus vaccines were infected with the SV40 virus (Simian Virus-40). SV40, also discovered in 1960, is a naturally occurring virus that infects monkeys. In 1961, SV40 was found to cause tumors in rodents. More recently, the virus was found in certain forms of cancer in humans, for instance brain and bone tumors, mesotheliomas, and some types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. However, it has not been determined that SV40 causes these cancers.

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

Hib is a contagious bacteria spread by droplets; causes meningitis (infection of membranes covering the brain), epiglottitis (swelling in the throat) and a range of other infections such as septic arthritis, cellulitis and pneumonia.

About 1 in 20 meningitis patient's die and 1 in 4 survivors have permanent brain damage.

Among infants and young children, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis deaths and the second leading cause of bacterial pneumonia deaths worldwide and accounts for approximately 400,000 deaths of children each year. (2004)

Hib Vaccination in Australia

Before the introduction of routine Hib vaccination in 1993, there were at least 500 cases of Hib disease in Australian children <6 years of age every year, and a total of 10 to 15 deaths.

Hib meningitis accounted for approximately 60% of all invasive Hib disease, most cases occurring in children <18 months of age. The case fatality rate for Hib meningitis was approximately 5%, and up to 40% of the survivors had neurological sequelae such as deafness and intellectual impairment.

The incidence of Hib disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, especially those in remote and rural areas, was considerably higher than in non-Indigenous children.

Since Hib vaccines were included in the routine vaccination schedule in 1993, there has been a reduction of >90% in notified cases of Hib disease from 502 in 1992 to an average of 30 cases per year between 1999 and 2002, with approximately 15 cases per year currently reported in Australia. No reported deaths since 1999.


The first generation Hib vaccines, consisting of purified polysaccharide (PRP) from the Hib capsule, were not effective in children <18 months of age. A review of the efficacy data for the second generation Hib vaccines, which consist of PRP chemically linked (‘conjugated’) to a variety of carrier proteins, found 3 of the 4 Hib vaccines to be immunogenic against invasive Hib disease, PRP-OMP, PRP-T and HbOC.13 The fourth vaccine, PRP-D, was not found to be highly protective in high-risk populations, such as Indigenous children.

Pneumococcal Disease

Bacteria spread by droplets; causes fever, pneumonia, speticaemia, meningitis.

About 1 in 10 meningitis patients die.

The highest rates of IPD are seen in children <2 years of age and adults >85 years of age. In Australia, 2004, 2375 cases of IPD were notified to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, a notification rate of 11.8 per 100 000 population. In the less-developed world and in some groups of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the incidence of IPD is as high as 200 per 100 000 per year.


At least 1 million children die of pneumococcal disease every year, most of these being young children in developing countries. In the developed world, elderly persons carry the major disease burden. Conditions associated with increased risk of serious pneumococcal disease include HIV infection, sickle-cell anaemia and a variety of chronic organ failures.


Pneumococcal pneumonia (lung disease) is the most common disease caused by pneumococcal bacteria. It is estimated that 175,000 hospitalizations due to pneumococcal pneumonia occur each year in the United States. The incubation period is short (1-3 days). Symptoms include abrupt onset of fever, shaking chills or rigors, chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and heart rate, and weakness. The fatality rate is 5%-7% and may be much higher in the elderly.

Pneumococcal bacteremia (blood infection) occurs in about 25%-30% of patients with pneumococcal pneumonia. More than 50,000 cases of pneumococcal bacteremia occur each year in the United States. Bacteremia is the most common clinical presentation among children younger than age two years, accounting for 70% of invasive disease in this group.

Pneumococci cause 13%-19% of all cases of bacterial meningitis (infection of the covering of the brain or spinal cord) in the United States. There are 3,000-6,000 cases of pneumococcal meningitis each year. Symptoms may include headache, tiredness, vomiting, irritability, fever, seizures, and coma. Children younger than age one year have the highest rate of pneumococcal meningitis, approximately 10 cases per 100,000 population. The case fatality rate is high (30% overall, up to 80% in the elderly).

Pneumococci are also a common cause of acute otitis media (middle ear infection). Approximately 28%-55% of such ear infections are caused by S. pneumoniae. In the U.S., there are 4.9 million cases of otitis media each year in children younger than age five years. Middle ear infections are the most frequent reason for pediatric office visits in the United States, resulting in more than 20 million visits annually.

Pneumococcal disease kills more people in the United States each year than all other vaccine-preventable diseases combined. More than 50,000 cases and more than 10,000 deaths from invasive pneumococcal diseases (bacteremia and meningitis) are estimated to have occurred in the United States in 2002. More than half of these cases occurred in adults.

it is believed that 45,000 cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (meningitis and blood infections) occur each year in the United States. (Pneumonia and middle ear infections are most common but are not considered "invasive" diseases.) The incidence of the disease varies greatly by age group. The highest rate of invasive pneumococcal disease occurs in young children, especially those younger than age two years.


Rotaviruses are shed in high concentrations in the stools of infected children and are transmitted by the faecal-oral route, both through close person-to-person contact and via fomites.6 Rotaviruses are probably also transmitted by other modes, such as faecally contaminated food, water and respiratory droplets.

Rotavirus is the predominant agent of severe dehydrating gastroenteritis in infants and young children in both developed and developing countries. The spectrum of rotavirus illness ranges from asymptomatic infection, to mild, watery diarrhoea of limited duration, to severe dehydrating diarrhoea with vomiting, fever, electrolyte imbalance, shock and death.

In Australia, the best available estimates are that approximately 10 000 hospitalisations due to rotavirus in children <5 years of age occur each year.

Vaccine Content


Preservatives are used to prevent fungal and or bacterial contamination of the vaccine. They include thiomersal, phenoxyethanol and phenol.

(i) Thiomersal
Thiomersal (or thimerosal) is a compound which is partly composed of mercury, ethylmercury. It has been used in very small amounts in vaccines for about 60 years, to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination of vaccines. .. Mercury causes a toxic effect after it reaches a certain level in the body (depending on the amount consumed and the person’s body weight). ..There are certain vaccines that are still most effectively manufactured using a trace amount of thiomersal as the preservative, eg. influenza vaccine.

(ii) Phenoxyethanol
2-Phenoxyethanol is an aromatic ether alcohol used as a preservative in many vaccines. It is also used as a preservative in cosmetics.

(iii) Phenol
Phenol is an aromatic alcohol used as a preservative in a few vaccines.


Adjuvants are compounds used to enhance the immune response to vaccination and include various aluminium salts.

A small amount of aluminium salts has been added to some vaccines for about 60 years. Aluminium acts as an adjuvant, which improves the protective response to vaccination by keeping antigens near the injection site so they can be readily accessed by cells responsible for inducing an immune response. The use of aluminium in vaccines means that, for a given immune response, less antigen is needed per dose of vaccine, and a lower number of total doses are required.


Additives are used to stabilise vaccines in adverse conditions (temperature extremes of heat and freeze drying) and to prevent the vaccine components adhering to the side of the vial. Examples:

Lactose and sucrose (both sugars);

Glycine and monosodium glutamate or MSG (both are amino acids or salts of amino acids);

Gelatin, which is partially hydrolysed collagen usually of bovine or porcine origin.

Human serum albumin (protein)

Manufacturing residuals
Manufacturing residuals are residual quantities of reagents used in the manufacturing process of individual vaccines. They include antibiotics (such as neomycin or polymyxin), inactivating agents (eg. formaldehyde) as well as cellular residuals (egg and yeast proteins), traces of which may be present in the final vaccine. Antibiotics are used during the manufacturing process to ensure that bacterial contamination does not occur; traces of these antibiotics may remain in the final vaccine. Inactivating agents are used to ensure that the bacterial toxin or viral components of the vaccine are not harmful, but will result in an immune response.

Formaldehyde is used during the manufacture of many vaccines. For example, with tetanus vaccines, formaldehyde is used to detoxify the tetanus toxin protein produced. The non-toxic protein which becomes the active ingredient of the vaccine is further purified to remove contaminants and any excess (unreacted or unbound) formaldehyde. The current standard applicable to vaccines for human use in Australia is less than 0.02% w/v of free formaldehyde. The maximum amount of free formaldehyde detected by the Therapeutic Goods Administration during testing of vaccines registered in Australia has been 0.004% w/v, which is well below the standard limit.


Attenuation in virology is reducing the virulence of a virus, whilst keeping it viable (or 'live'), for the purpose of creating a vaccine. It is the counterpart of the vaccines produced by 'killing' the virus (inactivated vaccine).

Viruses may be attenuated via passage of the virus through a foreign host, such as :

* Tissue culture
* Embryonated eggs
* live animals


In addition to acute and chronic ailments, Hahnemann wrote about epidemic diseases as well. He made it clear, particularly in paragraphs 101 and 102 of The Organon, that regardless of what the disease may be called, if a physician made a careful examination of all of the known features of a disease and treated a number of cases of that epidemic disease, then he could have in his mind a characteristic portrait of the disease. He could then find an appropriate homeopathic remedy for its cure. This remedy would cure other cases of the same epidemic. This was not merely theoretical for Hahnemann. He successfully treated an epidemic of scarlet fever with Belladonna and predicted which remedies were necessary to treat an epidemic of Asiatic cholera never having seen an actual case himself. Rather, his grandnephew, a homeopathic physician in St. Petersburg, provided the master with the necessary symptom picture.

The Law of Similars is, interestingly, the principle behind vaccinations. However, the dose and method of delivery commonly used by doctors poses a significant risk of harm to those being vaccinated. Conventional vaccinations involve crude doses of the microbe linked to the disease being vaccinated against, and the dose is injected directly into the blood stream, bypassing all of the natural defense mechanisms of the body. Thus, the body receives too strong a dose and too suddenly, creating a shock to the organism that can lead to reactions, from mild to severe, including death in some cases. The use of actual viral material also sets the body up for auto-immune disorders, a fact well documented in the research literature.

Along with the crude quantity of virus material injected directly into the person's bloodstream, there are also the carrying agents in the vaccine fluid itself. It can contain acetone - used in nail polish removers and furniture strippers; thimerisol - a mercury-derivative outlawed for use in contact lens wetting solutions because it is a carcinogen; formaldehyde and other insidious substances.

The homeopathic immunization, on the contrary, provides an oral dose of an infinitesimal amount of the virus material alone, which does not shock the system. By following natural laws, is able to reach deeply into the cellular and energetic levels of the patient and stimulate a more wholistic immune response, without risk to the filtering systems (kidneys, liver) of the body or of generating any auto-immune response, such as allergies. Because it is processed through the mucous membranes, as it would be if the virus were contracted in nature, its action is more wholistic.

With the Center for Disease Control in the United States reporting that "...influenza vaccines are still among the least effective immunizing agents available, and this seems to be particularly true for elderly recipients," the homeopathic alternative offers a safe and effective prevention against influenza.

Homeopathic prevention for past infectious diseases, such as cholera and influenza, are in the public record and have been proven highly effective. In one case involving vaccination against meningitis, out of 18,640 children homeopathically immunised during an epidemic, only 4 cases were recorded (0.0002 percent), while out of some 6,340 non-vaccinated children 17 cases of meningitis were recorded (0.003 percent, or almost 10 times the rate of infection). No system of vaccination can provide a 100% guarantee of protection, as factors such as nutrition, stress and predisposing factors also come into play. However, the homeopathic immunisation is unique in being free of side-effects, being gentle (administered orally), and highly effective.

And in the influenza epidemic of 1918-1919, where the conventional medical death rates were soaring to 30% and beyond, the homeopathic physicians of that time (all MDs) lost fewer than 1% of their patients.

The Hahnemann Center for Homeopathy's Community Clinic, at the Apple Hill Wholistic Center location, is happy to provide the homeopathic flu vaccine free of charge, regardless of the one's ability to pay. This oral vaccine is a safe and effective alternative to the toxic medical injectable vaccine. It has no side effects — only side benefits! Contrast that with the adverse events reported from the flu shot (these references, and many more, available):



Body Points
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Alternative Medicine
Essential Oils
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Chi Kung
Chi Kung
Drugs: Abuse Addiction
Drugs: Illegal
Estrogens, the Pill and Environment
Estrogens: The Pill
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Genetic Modification
Richard Gerber Vibration Healing
Gerber, Richard
Holistic Energy Healing
I Ching
I Ching
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Naturopathy Herbal
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Nutrition Food
Organic Gardening Farming
Organic Gardening
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Sunscreen: Toxic
Sunshine Vitamin D
Vitamin D
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Help Humanity

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
(Mohandas Gandhi)

Albert Einstein"When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter. ... Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning. ... The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high. ...
The free, unhampered exchange of ideas and scientific conclusions is necessary for the sound development of science, as it is in all spheres of cultural life. ... We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with the mass of the lukewarm and the misguided. ...
Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!" (Albert Einstein)

Biography: Geoffrey Haselhurst, Philosopher of Science, Theoretical Physics, Metaphysics, Evolution. Our world is in great trouble due to human behaviour founded on myths and customs that are causing the destruction of Nature and climate change. We can now deduce the most simple science theory of reality - the wave structure of matter in space. By understanding how we and everything around us are interconnected in Space we can then deduce solutions to the fundamental problems of human knowledge in physics, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, education, health, evolution and ecology, politics and society.

This is the profound new way of thinking that Einstein realised, that we exist as spatially extended structures of the universe - the discrete and separate body an illusion. This simply confirms the intuitions of the ancient philosophers and mystics.

Given the current censorship in physics / philosophy of science journals (based on the standard model of particle physics / big bang cosmology) the internet is the best hope for getting new knowledge known to the world. But that depends on you, the people who care about science and society, realise the importance of truth and reality.

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Just click on the Social Network links below, or copy a nice image or quote you like and share it. We have a wonderful collection of knowledge from the greatest minds in human history, so people will appreciate your contributions. In doing this you will help a new generation of scientists see that there is a simple sensible explanation of physical reality - the source of truth and wisdom, the only cure for the madness of man! Thanks! Geoff Haselhurst (Updated September, 2018)

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. (Max Planck, 1920)

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"All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."
(Edmund Burke)

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
(George Orwell)

"Hell is Truth Seen Too Late."
(Thomas Hobbes)

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