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Giordano Bruno

Giordano Bruno - Philosophy: Wave Structure of Matter explains Famous Philosopher Giordano Bruno's Infinite and Eternal Universe.

Philosophy - Famous Philosopher - Giordano Bruno
Pictures, Quotes, Quotations

The Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) and the Metaphysics of Space and Motion
explains Giordano Bruno's Infinite and Eternal Space

This entire globe, this star, not being subject to death, and dissolution and annihilation being impossible anywhere in Nature, from time to time renews itself by changing and altering all its parts. There is no absolute up or down, as Aristotle taught; no absolute position in space; but the position of a body is relative to that of other bodies. Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the center of things.
(Giordano Bruno, De la Causa, principio et uno, On Cause, Principle, and Unity)

Behold in the candle borne by this Chandler, to whom I give birth, that which shall clarify certain shadows of ideas ... I need not instruct you of my belief. Time gives all and takes all away; everything changes but nothing perishes. One only is immutable, eternal and ever endures, one and the same with itself. With this philosophy my spirit grows, my mind expands. Whereof, however obscure the night may be, I await the daybreak, and they who dwell in day look for night ... Rejoice therefore, and keep whole, if you can, and return love for love. (Giordano Bruno, Candelajo, The Chandler, a play)

The one infinite is perfect, in simplicity, of itself, absolutely, nor can aught be greater or better, This is the one Whole, God, universal Nature, occupying all space, of whom naught but infinity can give the perfect image or semblance. (Giordano Bruno)

The Universe is one, infinite, immobile. The absolute potential is one, the act is one, the form or soul is one, the material or body is one, the thing is one, the being in one, one is the maximum and the best. (Giordano Bruno)

There is one simple Divinity found in all things, once fecund nature, preserving mother of the universe in so far as she diversely communicates herself, casts her light into diverse subjects, and assumes various names. (Giordano Bruno)

Giordano Bruno was executed for correctly believing in Infinite Space.
The Wave Structure of Matter (Metaphysics of Space and Motion) explains how Spherical Standing Waves determine the size of our Finite Spherical 'Observable' Universe within an Infinite Space. Thus matter interacts with all other matter in the observable universe within infinite Space. This is why we can see stars across the observable universe as matter is large, a wave structure of space (though we only 'see' the wave-centers / 'particles' and have been deluded into thinking matter was small, a tiny 'particle').

For more information of how we (finite matter) can exist in an infinite Space please see the top of this page for links to the main articles which explain and solve many of the problems of postmodern Metaphysics, Physics and Philosophy from this foundation of the Metaphysics of (Infinite) Space and the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM).

Below there are some interesting Giordano Bruno quotes. Most importantly, we hope that you will read the deduction for the most simple science theory of reality, the wave structure of matter in infinite Space.

Geoff Haselhurst

Bruno travelled to England and befriended its leading political and scientific figures; and when he returned, he popularised Copernican theory on the continent. Bruno took Digges's version of the infinite, Copernican universe and purged it of remaining Ptolemaic elements, such as the perfect spheres that carried the planets' orbits. He made this infinite universe, with its infinite inhabited worlds, the basis of his philosophy, integrating Nicholas of Cusa's thinking, even going beyond it. Bruno explicitly challenged the idea of creation ex nihilo, arguing that the universe must be unlimited in both space and time, without beginning or end. (Eric Lerner, The Big Bang Never Happened, p105)

The scientific revolution was thus not an inevitable process, a natural outgrowth of human intellectual development. It was the result of a fierce social conflict, in which cosmological questions were matters of life or death for individuals and whole societies. (Eric Lerner, p108)

Infinity and Deity

As in previous epochs, the question is not one of a battle between science and religion, but of parallel conflicts within science and religion. There are those today who violently oppose the idea of an infinite universe as blasphemous and contrary to all religious thought. There are others, equally devout, who hold that religion and science are autonomous, and that the question of whether the universe has a beginning is of no religious importance. And there are even those who base their entire theology on the notion of a universe that evolves in an infinite expanse of time.

The idea of an origin of the universe is an alien one to many religions. Hinduism, for example, assumes a cosmos characterised by infinite cycles of development and decay. To such religions the idea of an infinitely existing universe is not a problem. It in Judaism, with its doctrine of a creator, and more so in Christianity, which extends this with its doctrine of creation ex nihilo, that the interaction of religion and cosmology becomes the sharpest, and it is here we'll concentrate our attention.

To many in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the idea of a universe infinite in time and space is not allowed for the same reasons Augustine argued two millennia ago: infinity is exclusive to the deity, and thus prohibited for the material universe. To say that the universe is unlimited is to obscure a crucial difference between God and nature, and thus to advocate pantheism- the idea that nature itself is inherently divine and, perhaps, needs no God. Thus a belief in an infinite cosmology implies heresy. Such reasoning is intimately linked to the arguments used against Nicholas of Cusa, Copernicus and Giordano Bruno hundreds of years ago. For many theologians they have lost none of their force today. (Eric Lerner, The Big Bang Never Happened, p386)

Perchance you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear than I who receive it. (Giordano Bruno)

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people. (Giordano Bruno)

There is no absolute up or down, as Aristotle taught; no absolute position in space; but the position of a body is relative to that of other bodies. Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the center of things. (Giordano Bruno)

The universe is then one, infinite, immobile.... It is not capable of comprehension and therefore is endless and limitless, and to that extent infinite and indeterminable, and consequently immobile. (Giordano Bruno)

In this infinite space is placed our universe (whether by chance, by necessity or by providence I do not now consider). (Giordano Bruno)

Make then your forecasts, my lords Astrologers, with your slavish physicians, by means of those astrolabes with which you seek to discern the fantastic nine moving spheres; in these you finally imprison your own minds, so that you appear to me but as parrots in a cage, while I watch you dancing up and down, turning and hopping within those circles. (Giordano Bruno)

My son, I do not say these are foals and those asses, these little monkeys and those great baboons, as you would have me do. As I told you from the first, I regard them [Aristotle; Plato] as earth's heroes. But I do not wish to believe them without cause, nor to accept those propositions whose antitheses (as you must have understood if you are not both blind and deaf) are so compellingly true. (Giordano Bruno)

For they dispute not in order to find or even to seek Truth, but for victory ... Such persons should be avoided by all who have not a good breastplate of patience. Giordano Bruno Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind. (Giordano Bruno)

You explain right well, and you shew that you understand argument and are not a mere sophist since you accept that which cannot be denied. (Giordano Bruno)

a constellation of the most pedantic, obstinate ignorance and presumption, mixed with a kind of rustic incivility, which would try the patience of Job. (Giordano Bruno)

Oh holy asinity! holy ignorance! Holy foolishness and pious devotion! You who alone do more to advance and make souls good Than human ingenuity and study... (Giordano Bruno)

We delight in one knowable thing, which comprehends all that is knowable; in one apprehensible, which draws together all that can be apprehended; in a single being that includes all, above all in the one which is itself the all. (Giordano Bruno)

It may be you fear more to deliver judgment upon me than I fear judgment. (Giordano Bruno)

The one infinite is perfect, in simplicity, of itself, absolutely, nor can aught be greater or better, This is the one Whole, God, universal Nature, occupying all space, of whom naught but infinity can give the perfect image or semblance. (Giordano Bruno)

The Universe is one, infinite, immobile. The absolute potential is one, the act is one, the form or soul is one, the material or body is one, the thing is one, the being in one, one is the maximum and the best. (Giordano Bruno)

There is one simple Divinity found in all things, once fecund nature, preserving mother of the universe in so far as she diversely communicates herself, casts her light into diverse subjects, and assumes various names. (Giordano Bruno)

Links to Interesting Sites on Giordano Bruno

On Giordano Bruno pantheist philosophy. From the great Roman poet Lucretius, Bruno took two of his central ideas: an infinite Space with infinite worlds, and matter that was made up of discrete atoms combining in different ways to make up all the diversity we see. Copernicus was another crucial influence, providing Bruno with evidence that the earth was not the centre of the universe. For Bruno the universe was God, and God was the universe. Divinity revealed itself through individual things, and all things were infused with divinity: All is in all things. Therefore every individual thing had something of the whole within itself, and everything interpenetrated with everything else: Each thing is within every other. In this insight Bruno was a precursor of Leibniz. - A brief history of Giordano Bruno, the spiritual alchemist who was burnt at the stake for believing in an infinite space. - Giordano Bruno and the Infinite Universe By Warrn Hollister, University of California

Help Humanity

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
(Mohandas Gandhi)

Albert Einstein"When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter. ... Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning. ... The particle can only appear as a limited region in space in which the field strength or the energy density are particularly high. ...
The free, unhampered exchange of ideas and scientific conclusions is necessary for the sound development of science, as it is in all spheres of cultural life. ... We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with the mass of the lukewarm and the misguided. ...
Humanity is going to need a substantially new way of thinking if it is to survive!" (Albert Einstein)

Biography: Geoffrey Haselhurst, Philosopher of Science, Theoretical Physics, Metaphysics, Evolution. Our world is in great trouble due to human behaviour founded on myths and customs that are causing the destruction of Nature and climate change. We can now deduce the most simple science theory of reality - the wave structure of matter in space. By understanding how we and everything around us are interconnected in Space we can then deduce solutions to the fundamental problems of human knowledge in physics, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, education, health, evolution and ecology, politics and society.

This is the profound new way of thinking that Einstein realised, that we exist as spatially extended structures of the universe - the discrete and separate body an illusion. This simply confirms the intuitions of the ancient philosophers and mystics.

Given the current censorship in physics / philosophy of science journals (based on the standard model of particle physics / big bang cosmology) the internet is the best hope for getting new knowledge known to the world. But that depends on you, the people who care about science and society, realise the importance of truth and reality.

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Just click on the Social Network links below, or copy a nice image or quote you like and share it. We have a wonderful collection of knowledge from the greatest minds in human history, so people will appreciate your contributions. In doing this you will help a new generation of scientists see that there is a simple sensible explanation of physical reality - the source of truth and wisdom, the only cure for the madness of man! Thanks! Geoff Haselhurst (Updated September, 2018)

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. (Max Planck, 1920)

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